Sunday, September 14, 2008

Taking Back Astronomy

Yesterday, I finished reading a book titled Taking Back Astronomy--The Heavens Declare Creation and Science Confirms It. The book, written by Dr. Jason Lisle, is a good introduction to a biblical view of the universe. Filled with gorgeous images from the heavens, the book is very helpful in understanding some of the presuppositions and assumptions made by the secular science community regarding the creation and order of the universe. More importantly, the book provides the layman with scientific and biblical facts that are helpful in refuting the naturalists' worldview, theories, and models regarding the universe.

While I wish the gospel presentation at the end of the book was as theologically precise as the rest of the book was scientifically precise, I can recommend this book for its usefulness in honing one's apologetic, as it pertains to applying a biblical world view to astronomy.

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